K and K Poultry
Barred Rock Sexed Chicks
We are doing a large hatch of Plymouth Barred Rocks chicks. To feather sex hens out of this hatch (about 80 % accurate). Let us know if you are interested in sexed Barred Rock chicks (pricing to be set early in 2025)
2025 Hembrough Custom Hatching Chicks and Poults
Cornish Giant and Western Rustics Meat Chicks, Turkey Poults and Sexed Layer Chicks
We are excited to offer an expanded line up for chicks and poults:
Cornish Giant Meat Chicks
Western Rustics Meat Chicks
Commercial White and Bronze Turkey Poults
Sexed Commercial White and Brown Chicks
We are taking orders for the following pick up weekends:
March 29, 2024 (order cut off 1 March) - Cornish Giants and Turkeys Only
April 26,2024 (order cut off 29 March)
May 24, 2024 (order Cut off 26 April)
June 21, 2024 (order cut off 24 May)
Summer Cornish Giants pick up date to be announced.
To keep costs as low as possible for you we have chosen the above dates to be our primary pickup dates. Additional pickup dates for orders over 500 chicks or special pricing, please contact us for more information. Note special orders need to be placed at least 45 days in advance of potential pick up date.
Prices As Follows:
Cornish Giant Meat Chicks (Unsexed)
1-25 $5.50
26-50 $5.25
51-100 $5.00
101+ $4.50
500+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Western Rustics Meat Chicks (Unsexed)
1-25 $7.50
26-50 $7.25
51-100 $7.00
101+ $6.75
500+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Commercial Bronze Turkey Poults (Unsexed)
1-15 $18.50
16-30 $17.75
31-50 $17.25
51-100 $16.75
101+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Commercial White Turkey Poults (Unsexed)
1-15 $15.00
16-30 $14.00
31-50 $13.00
51-100 $12.25
101+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Commercial White Layer Chicks (Sexed)
1-25 $9.00
26-50 $8.50
51-100 $8.00
101+ $7.50
300+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Commercial Brown Layer Chicks (Sexed)
1-25 $10.00
26-50 $9.50
51-100 $9.00
101+ $8.50
300+ - Contact us for volume pricing
Chicks and Poults will be 4-6 Days old at pick up to give them a good healthy start
Pick Up near Lloydminster SK (unless other arrangements are made)
All orders will be required to be paid in full at time of order to hold your order.
Orders picked up after designated pick up days will be charged a $1 per chick/poults per day brooding fee.
Please email us at kandkpoultry@gmail.com or visit our facebook page at with any questions and to order your chicks and poults!
Chicks and Hatching Eggs
We have a variety of Chicks and Hatching Eggs available for purchase including:
Buff Orpingtons - Chicks Only
Easter/Olive Eggers
Lavendar Orpingtons - Chicks Only
Plymouth Barred Rock
Silver Laced Orpingtons - Chicks Only
Hatching for the 2025 season has started please contact us for details at our email kandkpoultry@gmail.com or our facebook page. We will be taking orders until first week of july.
2025 Laying Hens
Thank you to everyone that purchased laying hens from us last year. Get in touch in late January 2025 for next years orders.
17 week old Lohman Brown and White Leghorn laying hens will be available for pick up 17 and 18 May 2025. Quantities will be limited and taking pre orders only.
Both the brown and white hens will lay 300- 350 eggs a year. They are winter hardy and vaccinated. Pick up at the farm!
Pricing will be:
0-10 - $26 per hen
11-19 - $24 per hen
+20 - $22 per hen
These birds are what we supply eggs to our costumers with. We love how calm they are and how hard they work!!!!
Please contact us (even if you have previously send a message), we will require full payment for all orders to hold your spot.
Contact us at our email for more details kandkpoultry@gmail.com or message us on our facebook page
Leah's Ladies Eating Eggs
Leah loves to collect and market our farm fresh eggs. Prices are as follow:
12 Pack $5.00
18 Pack $7.00
30 Pack $12.00
Delivery into Lloydminster available. Contact us at our email for more details kandkpoultry@gmail.com.
Farm Grown Chicken
We raise up our own Cornish Giants that are grain feed and free ranged. Averaging weights between 4 and 6 lbs.
Will be taking order for next summer and fall starting February 2025.
Please email us at kandkpoultry@gmail.com or visit our facebook page at with any questions and to order your meat chicks!
Chicken Crate Rental
We have chicken crates available for rental if you need them to move your own birds. Crates hold up to 15 young laying chickens or 12 full grown meat chickens. There are 30 crates available for rental at a cost of $20 per day. Please contact us for details on rentals.
Incubator Rentals
Looking to try something new or do something fun to do with your kids at home? Rent an incubator and hatch your own chicks.
Our Incubators hold 48 eggs and are set up ready to go, just need to add water as needed. You can keep the chicks or return them to us when you are done with them if you have no place to keep them.
Rental cost is $100 including a dozen mixed hatching eggs.
Chicken Plucker
Looking to butchery your own chicken at home but don't have a plucker. We have one for rental that will handle up to a 15 lbs bird.
Rental cost is $100 for the day to process up to 50 birds. Additional $1 per bird for every additional bird processed. Cleaning deposit of $200 taken upon pickup returned at time of plucker is dropped off clean.
Patsy's Goat Milk Products
We also produce a line of goat milk soaps and goat milk bath bombs. They come in a variety of scents including specific scents for children. Click link below for more details.
Laser Etching, Sublimation Printing, and Custom Projects
We have options for your custom item order needs.
We have a diode laser cutter that will engrave wood, leather, stainless steel, or glass.
Sublimation printing and vinyl pressing on t-shirts, sweaters, coffee cups, travel mugs, and much more.
See pictures of sample projects.
Contact us for more information.
About Us
Location: 15 min north of Lloydminster, Saskatchewan
Email: kandkpoultry@gmail.com
Phone Number: Kelsey 306-821-1506 or Karl 306-821-3947
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/kandkpoultry